What Happens in a Career Strategy Session?

Ever wondered just what happens in a Career Strategy Session with a member of our team?

We’ll you’re in luck!

Today, I’m pulling back the curtain on just what happens between a client and career strategist when you sign up to work with us.

Coaching and strategy can sound… a little vague.

Career and job search challenges often seem like things we should be able to fix on our own.

As it turns out, lots of smart, thoughtful people struggle to find meaningful employment, “dream jobs” can often become a nightmare, and leaving one job behind doesn’t mean there isn’t a brand new set of issues in another.

Even if things aren’t bad, people can get stuck in the rhythm of a 9-5 workweek and lose time, energy, and focus on the things and people that once mattered a lot.

We get so ingrained in the things that we have to do that we lose track of the things that we really want to do.

We have a framework and curriculum that facilitates a process to help you sort through overwhelm and uncertainty so you can make progress toward your goals.

If you’ve been curious about how this whole process works, I hope this peek behind the curtain is helpful!

Pre-session work

My work begins from the moment you book your session.

New clients always submit their resume and any other job search/career assets as well as jobs of interest. These are helpful starting points to familiarize ourselves with your experience and goals.

Occassionally we use questionnaires but all potential clients complete our Assessment Form which helps us to understand your specific challenges.

There’s never any “homework” before an initial session although our clients often like to log in and start reviewing our curriculum.

Between Session work

These are activities that help clients get out of their comfort zone, create new ways of thinking, and focus on the process rather than the outcome.

Exercises are great for boosting confidence and getting some clarity around your goals, strengths, and values.

Sometimes I provide exercises that can be completed during the session but often they’re completed between sessions and we do some de-briefing together to figure what we’re learning and how it can inform our strategy.

Most of our clients will also be actively engaged in their job search so they’ll spend time updating and revising their resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile, applying for jobs, interviewing, etc. This means we often have a lot of work to review or opportunities in the pipeline to discuss together on our calls.

Sometimes work doesn’t happen between calls - and that’s okay.

We often use our time together to make revisions together.

Ask questions

Self-reflection is a profoundly useful tool in adult development and learning.

It’s hard to create the time in our life to do this kind of work.

It can be even harder if we’re holding onto certain limiting beliefs about ourselves and the world around us that may or may not be true.

Having a career strategist to help facilitate this process and provide feedback and structure is incredibly useful.

Questions don’t just spark a response, but they provide an opportunity for pretty major shifts in thinking.


This probably sounds like a no-brainer. I ask questions, I should listen!

But I’m not just listening to your response.

We’re noticing what is difficult for you to respond to and what your voice conveys (excitement, fear, happiness, etc). We’re listening for your beliefs about what’s possible (“I could never…” “I can’t…” “That would never work…).

We listen to what you say and what you don’t say.

And we notice that so we can bring it to your attention and explore ways to transcend the boundaries you’ve created for yourself.

We can learn a lot by listening to what and how you share!

Teach our strategies

In our Career Strategy Sessions, clients do most of the talking. But when a client is feeling particularly frustrated or stuck, or we’re just starting our work together, I will often ask permission to share a strategy, idea, or tactic.

Usually, clients are pretty excited about a suggestion and we’re usually able to find a way that they can implement it in their lives.

Sometimes these are job search-related or are related to managing time or relationships. Sharing what’s worked for previous clients and helping people make it work for them is a lot of fun – and hugely impactful!

What I love most is that these strategies can be used over the course of your entire career. Pretty powerful, right?!


I love working with our clients. It’s so fun to watch what once felt impossible become inevitable!

That said, what you do outside of our sessions is so important.

Talking to me won’t land you a new job. You must implement the work!

I might ask clients some questions at the end of our call to determine their next steps and to provide some encouragement along the way.

What will you do? I help clients set reasonable objectives for the timeframe that are in line with their overall goals for coaching.

When will you do it? I ask for a deadline. This is especially important for people who are pulled in a million different directions. Some people hire me for holding them to their own deadlines alone.

How will I know? Clients email or text to let me know when they’ve completed something on their to-do list.

Post-session work

Lots can happen between sessions too. If a client is struggling, we may have a quick phone call or email session. If I get a “success” email from a client, I respond and celebrate accordingly! I often send emails and cards, as well as relevant articles I find online.

That’s why it’s so helpful to have consistent support between sessions. Trust me, lots happens!

Want to learn more about our services? We offer job search strategy, resume writing, and professional development support for mission driven professionals.

You can learn more and Request an Assessment here >>>


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